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Hundreds of thousands around the globe rallied for peace this past weekend. In 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s famous "I have a Dream" speech was attended by over 200,000 people.... posted on Jan 21 2003, 1,345 reads


... posted on Jan 20 2003, 540 reads


... posted on Jan 19 2003, 1,088 reads


An AIDS Activist with AIDS refuses Aid
Zackie Achmat, a prominent South African AIDS activist, found out he was HIV positive in 1990. In 1997 he developed AIDS. Although he can afford antiretroviral medications in 1998 he vowed to not take any medications until every single person in South Africa had access to the same drugs. ... posted on Jan 18 2003, 1,055 reads


One in five Americans who die each year, die from tobacco use; the annual American death toll attributed to tobacco use is about 430,700. The total economic cost of tobacco is 97.2 billion dollars per year, or about 363.00 dollars per American citizen. (Source:
American Lung Association)... posted on Jan 17 2003, 925 reads


A vast, but previously unknown structure has been discovered around the edges of our galaxy, the Milky Way. Astronomers believe it could hold clues as to how the Milky Way and other galaxies evolved.... posted on Jan 16 2003, 986 reads


His brother in law, Pete, smuggled 500 pounds of marijuana from Jamaica but Bo refused. Pete went to jail. Bo went to an ashram. They were both wearing white, woke up at five every morning, worked all day and didn't get paid. Similar circumstances, but Pete hated life and Bo loved it. Bo Lozoff had an epiphany -- prison time can be an opportunity for spiritual growth, that the cell can be an ... posted on Jan 15 2003, 1,745 reads


In 1996, Debi Farris saw a TV report about a newborn left in a duffel bag by a freeway -- dead. Deeply moved, she bought some space at a local cemetery and started Garden of Angels, to bury children -- freeway babies, dumpster babies, babies discarded in canals, on front lawns. As always, she'll wrap each in his or her own blanket, hold them in her arms, bestow names, arrange for burial. Hundred... posted on Jan 14 2003, 886 reads


... posted on Jan 13 2003, 923 reads


... posted on Jan 12 2003, 920 reads


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Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand.
Mother Teresa

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